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A daily log of photography from a young artist discovering the world through a camera lens
Thursday, November 26, 2009
New Lights November 26,2009
My dad added new lights replacing
the old ones.
Sasha Time November 25,2009
Sasha enjoys thnksgiving week. She was happy when i came home early Wednesday
Tuesday 24,2009
Hey why do i have christmas lights on me?
Monday, November 23, 2009
Pasha time
Pasha snuggles on his bed while he plays by himself.
Daily Grind November 22,2009
I went for a visit on Saturday and Sunday. My best buddy Sam talks to my dad.
Saturday November 21,2009
The day that we left i saw a statue and i took it.
A trip to Philadelphia November 20,2009
My mom and i went up to Philadelphia for the Trans Siberian Orchestra. When we went i saw the sun settling.
Here is a mountain with the sun settling. It's pretty.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Sasha Time November 19,20,2009
Sasha says shes ready for Thanksgiving so i can have some time with her.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Photography picture Trevor Noember 17,2009
Another picture developed of my best friend Trevor Dickerson. He's a thinker
Pasha Sleepy November 16,2009
Pasha says it's time to go to bed and wake on a new day.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Colored drawing of Hilary Duff
I finished my best colored drawing of Hilary Duff. She's an actress and a singer.
Daily Grind and Kendalls Birthday Party November 14,2009
Kendall had a awesome birthday party after the Daily when my buddy bill did a pose and waiting in line.
Short Pump and my Home Friday 13,2009
Water reflects off the building on the ground.
My camera made the sky light blue and the leaves red, yellow and orange.
Sasha Time November 12,2009
Sasha says hello to my camera.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Rainy Night November 10,11,2009
A rainy night with pretty tree of leaves.
Sasha time November 9,2009
Sasha is saying hi- five.
Sunday fragrance 8,2009
Here is another fragrance bottle. its so pretty.
Daily Grind Linda November 7,2009
Linda had a good day when my dad how to draw taught her and she's the artist of the Daily Grind. It is her first time doing this. She's good.
Bootle of detail Novwmber 6,2009
Fragrance bottles look good when they have the detail.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Photography pictures
Here is some of my pictures that i did from my Film Camera. First one is the house.
Second one is leaves and the house with the Sun and the light ray.
Third is My two dogs pasha and sasha.
Flowers November 3,2009
Flowers are like people they are beautiful.
Pasha time November 2,2009
Pasha always does a cute pose.
Our House Sunday november 1,2009
Cool day on Sunday November 1,2009
Halloween Night October 31,2009
Me and My friends hanged out with me on Halloween. I really like corey's hair it so cute.
Pasha time October 30,2009
Pasha is a silly boy in this picture.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Sasha Time October 29,2009
Sasha wants to lay on my sisters bed. She enjoys it.
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Blog Archive
New Lights November 26,2009
Sasha Time November 25,2009
Tuesday 24,2009
Pasha time
Daily Grind November 22,2009
Saturday November 21,2009
A trip to Philadelphia November 20,2009
Sasha Time November 19,20,2009
Photography picture Trevor Noember 17,2009
Pasha Sleepy November 16,2009
Colored drawing of Hilary Duff
Daily Grind and Kendalls Birthday Party November 1...
Short Pump and my Home Friday 13,2009
Sasha Time November 12,2009
Rainy Night November 10,11,2009
Sasha time November 9,2009
Sunday fragrance 8,2009
Daily Grind Linda November 7,2009
Bootle of detail Novwmber 6,2009
Photography pictures
Flowers November 3,2009
Pasha time November 2,2009
Our House Sunday november 1,2009
Halloween Night October 31,2009
Pasha time October 30,2009
Sasha Time October 29,2009
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